Project Description

Size: 55,000 sf Addition

Delivery: Construction Management Services

Owner: Community College System of New Hampshire

Architect: Marinace Architects

In addition to a sunny and spacious new library, classrooms and fully-equipped biology, chemistry and physics laboratories, this addition to Manchester’s Community College is home to a state-of-the art patient simulator for hands-on learning. The 55,000 square-foot Health Education and Technical Center includes a nursing education suite with an eight-bed simulated patient ward, complete with nurses’ station. Adjacent to the ward, a hospital-type patient room is home to SimMan®, a life-size, talking, breathing patient simulator–essentially a life-like mannequin.

SimMan® exhibits symptoms, complains of pain (verbally) and responds to the treatment of the students caring for him. Instructors control him through a computer in an adjacent room and observe the entire interaction through a one-way mirror. He is the newest tool being put to use in the new Health Education space at the College.

Eckman Construction completed the addition two months ahead of schedule. The Health Education and Technical Center marked the first new building at the college in 40 years, and it increased the floor space of the college by approximately 60%.